





​华体会,农村生活污水强化膜混凝性能及其污泥资源化潜力 魏尚珲1, 徐恒1,2, 常风民2, 胡明3, 李懿南1, 王培京3, 王凯军2(1.中国矿业大学 化学与环境工程学院,北京 100083;2.


焦点提醒: 农村糊口污水强化膜混凝机能和其污泥资本化潜力 魏尚珲1, 徐恒1,2, 常风平易近2, 胡明3, 李懿南1, 王培京3, 王凯军2(1.中国矿业年夜学 化学与情况项目学院,北京 100083;2.清华年夜学情况学院 情况摹拟与污染节制国度重点结合尝试室,北京 100084;3.北京市水科学手艺研究院,北京 100048)中国给水排水2024年污水处理厂提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第八届)邀请函暨征稿启事中国给水排水2024年污水处理厂提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第八届)邀请函暨征稿启事PDF下载[1]魏尚珲,徐恒,常风平易近,等.农村糊口污水强化膜混凝机能和其污泥资本化潜力[J].中国给水排水,2022,38(9):1-7. WEIShang-hui,XUHeng,CHANGFeng-min,et al.Performance of Enhanced Membrane Coagulation for Rural Domestic Sewage Treatment and Its Sludge Resource Utilization Potential[J].China Water & Wastewater,2022,38(9):1-7.点击复制

Performance of Enhanced Membrane Coagulation for Rural Domestic Sewage Treatment and Its Sludge Resource Utilization Potential
魏尚珲1, 徐恒1,2, 常风平易近2, 胡明3, 李懿南1, 王培京3, 王凯军2
(1.中国矿业年夜学<北京> 化学与情况项目学院,北京 100083;2.清华年夜学情况学院 情况摹拟与污染节制国度重点结合尝试室,北京 100084;3.北京市水科学手艺研究院,北京 100048)
WEI Shang-hui1, XU Heng1,2, CHANG Feng-min2, HU Ming3, LI Yi-nan1, WANG Pei-jing3, WANG Kai-jun2
(1. School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, China University of Mining & Technology, Beijing 100083, China; 2. State Key Joint Laboratory of Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control, School of Environment, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China; 3. Beijing Water Science & Technology Institute, Beijing 100048, China)
rural domestic sewage;enhanced membrane coagulation;sludge;carbon and phosphorus recovery;acid/base pretreatment;acidified fermentation
农村糊口污水和污泥的当场处置与资本化操纵最近几年来遭到普遍存眷,与生物法比拟,强化膜混凝手艺能快速捕捉污水中的碳、磷资本,今朝已在北京农村地域的糊口污水处置中获得示范利用。为此,阐发了强化膜混凝手艺的示范利用结果,并以其发生的污泥为研究对象,考查了污泥中碳、磷的收受接管机能。成果注解,强化膜混凝一体化示范装备能在水力逗留时候为60 min的前提下实现80%以上COD和TP的去除,并发生富含碳、磷且具有较好资本化潜力的污泥。酸碱预处置能有用强化污泥水解,特别是碱性前提能增进污泥中无机物和磷酸盐的同步释放,最高浓度别离到达5 214.5 mg/L和122 mg/L。酸化发酵是实现无机物进一步转化操纵的主要路子之一,当污泥初始pH调为11时,酸化发酵结果最优,酸化产品产量到达3 419.6 mg/L(以COD计),酸化率高达77.0%。“强化膜混凝+污泥酸碱预处置+酸化发酵”无望增进农村糊口污水中碳、磷资本的收受接管,但厥后续操纵体例和潜伏风险需作进一步研究。
In recent years, the local treatment of rural domestic sewage and its sludge utilization has been widely concerned. Compared with biological processes, the enhanced membrane coagulation technology can rapidly capture carbon and phosphorus resources in sewage, and has been demonstrated in domestic sewage treatment in rural areas of Beijing. Therefore, performance of the demonstration project based on enhanced membrane coagulation technology was analyzed, and the recovery of carbon and phosphorus from the membrane coagulation sludge was investigated. The enhanced membrane coagulation integrated device removed more than 80% of COD and TP when the hydraulic retention time was 60 min, and produced sludge rich in carbon and phosphorus with good resource utilization potential. Acid/base pretreatment effectively enhanced the hydrolysis of sludge, promoted the simultaneous release of organic matter and phosphate from the sludge (especially in alkaline condition), and their highest concentrations were 5 214.5 mg/L and 122 mg/L, respectively. Acidified fermentation is one of the important ways to realize further conversion and utilization of organic matter. When the initial pH of the sludge was adjusted to 11, the best acidification fermentation performance was obtained: the acidification product yield reached 3 419.6 mg/L, and the acidification rate was up to 77.0%. The combined technology of enhanced membrane coagulation, acid/base pretreatment of sludge and acidified fermentation is expected to promote the recovery of carbon and phosphorus resources from rural domestic sewage. However, the subsequent utilization method and potential risks need to be further investigated.


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更新日期/Last Update:2022-05-01


  • ​重金属污水处理工艺-行业新闻-污水处理设备,一体化污水处理设备,工业废水处理,佰仕德
